Friday, June 01, 2018

In The Cloud Of Google Domains

Bobmc Dot Net was hosted at the HostDime data center in Orlando for more than 10 years. It was on a server of HasWeb, a HostDime company where the bobmc site had a legacy designation. It was cheap and reliable. Now All the HasWeb services are on hold because it is merging with HostDime. My old password did not work and trouble tickets would bounce between HasWeb and HostDime such that nothing was done. In addition, Dotster was the site registrar so I had to deal with Dotster, HostDime, and HasWeb. It was too much bother for something no longer needed.

So I decided to move to Google Domains for bobmc dot net registration, G Suite for email, and Blogger for random musings. It seems more complicated than the web site admistration in my experience. I am comfortable with scripting and updating server control files. However, Google hides or abstracts all these details. There are a ton of documentation pages, some already deprecated, and there are various forms to fill out.

The idea is for all web pages in my domain to include "" as part of the URL. It is almost working. Eventually, when you search for "", you should see "" which links to this blog. I have had this blog for many years with postings here and there. It is really ""

Perhaps everyone should register their own domain to have a unique presence on the web if only for future use. With Google Domains plus Gsuite you can have aliases for your email address and for web sites, blogs and documents.